
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

10 Lessons from College

 Hello friends!

Here's 10 lessons I learned from college. Maybe they can be an encouragement to you today.

1. Ministry happens in the context of relationships.
2. Time is short, so enjoy the season of life you’re in right now. Don’t always be looking toward the next season and miss the blessings of the current season you’re in.
3. Have a routine of set sleep.
4. Don’t wait till last minute to do things.
5. Prioritize relationships.
6. Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Somebody is probably waiting for you to reach out to him.
7. Have your time with God every day no matter what.
8.  You can NOT trust your feelings, and there are absolutes.
9. Encouragement and healing go together. When people serve, life is no longer meaningless.
10. Focus on the blessings, good things. It’s easy to find the bad – choose to look for the positive! 😊

Friday, January 12, 2024

Endings & Beginnings

 Life is full of endings and beginnings. They're a part of life, but it can be hard to adjust to  new things, especially for someone like me who doesn’t necessarily like a lot of change. The college chapter of my life is closed. It was great while it lasted, and I have so many precious memories from my time there. Now I’m in a new chapter. In November, my friend from Honduras (her family are missionaries there) told me about another missionary family about five hours away from her that needed a 1st grade teacher for their school. Long story short, I started praying about it and God opened my heart and the door to go to Honduras. I’ve read countless books about {mostly} foreign missionaries through the years and have always admired their tenacity to follow God wherever he lead them. Even though I've always been open to being a foreign missionary, I never actually thought that would be a part of my life. But now, here I am. A real live missionary, as the missionary lady told me when she picked me up at the airport.  :) I arrived here on January 4th and started teaching school on Monday, the 8th.  Since being here, I’ve learned so much about teaching, about Hondurans, and about this beautiful country. My 9 little students already have my heart – I love them so much and am praying for two kid’s salvations. The rest of them are saved. I don’t have wifi at my house, only at the school, so I won’t be able to post as much as I’d like. But I do hope to pop in every so often to say hi and write a short update. Honduras is quite different than the United States, but I love it. Serving God and following him wherever he leads won’t always be easy, but it will ALWAYS be worth it. So my encouragement to you today is this: Keep serving, keep following. Don’t give up even if there’s opposition and people are against you. Just keep doing every day what you know God wants you to do. There’s nothing better than having perfect peace in your heart that you’re exactly where God wants you. Sure everyone’s job will look different. But God uses people in all places to spread the light of the gospel and his love. 

Lamentations 3:51 ~ Mine eye affecteth mine heart...