Wednesday, September 4, 2019

An Update In Pictures

Wow! It has almost been 7 months since I last posted. So much has's a little update starting from May.
In May, Sarah and I took our first sister trip to Iowa to attend a young ladies retreat hosted by Allison. It was 3 refreshing days full of meeting and chatting with the 50 girls that attended, eating delicious food and sipping on iced coffee, enjoying the serene surroundings of the camp, playing games, and hearing awesome devotions that refreshed our souls.

 At the end of May, I headed back to Tennessee to work the summer at the Bill Rice Ranch as a junior counselor.

At the beginning of August, our family took a week's vacation to the Wilds family camp in North Carolina.
 We celebrated my papa's 90th birthday on August 24th. :)

And finally, here are a few recent beach snapshots.


Now let's chat: I would love to hear about your summer in the comments!


  1. Upon one of my sister's birthday's we drove to our eldest brother's and from there headed east for a wedding. At the wedding we met up with the last brother and explored the recently tornadoed trees. After the wedding we headed north meeting with friends along the way. After a week at the other brother's house we set off back west to a second wedding. Then it was back home again. Since then it has been mostly life as normal

  2. What a fun summer! Unfortunately, my summer was mostly spent with college work. Although I did take off one week to spend with my grandmother while she was visiting us from Texas.

    1. Aw, I'm glad you got a break to spend some time with your grandma. :)

  3. Beautiful and fun pictures. Happy birthday to your papa. Looking good! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Great hearing from you once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR POP A nice time you had with your family. I just about stayed in the air condition rooms and read or watched the Mets and Baltimore Orioles and movies or favorite shows. Planted a few flowers that are re budding.

    1. Thank you! Sounds like you had a relaxing watching is fun. And gardening of course. :)
      Thank you for visiting! <3

  5. Hello,
    The pictures are beautiful (especially of you) and that coffee drink looks HEAVENLY delicious!!! You are a one of a kind blogger.

    Micah 6:8

  6. So glad to get your update Ashley! Life certainly has kept us busy here this summer too, and I'm just checking in with my friends on the coast to see how they are doing, and thought of you. THankful the hurricane didn't touch Florida after all! You certainly have had some fun and exciting times this summer! Great pictures of you, and your amazing Pop! He looks great for his age! Blessings to you sweet friend :)

  7. Oh Ashley, so lovely to visit with you today! I enjoyed catching up with the happenings in your corner of the world! Ahh...and what fun it must have been to go to The Wilds family camp...I would *so* love to go there! Hugs to you...and hello to your sisters!


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