Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Christmas Vacation to Kentucky part 2

We finished out our mini vacation by spending Wednesday at the Creation Museum. Our family visited it once many years ago, but since then, they have changed and added many displays. 

Deborah and I had the privilege to go zip-lining. The weather was perfect for it...sunny and cold with a slight breeze. It was a blast.
The outside of the museum was decorated so beautifully. 
I love how the museum is set up. Each visitor experiences walking through the 7 Cs of History: 
Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation.

This picture of a cave bear is just one example of the animals that lived during the Ice Age. How would you like to live around one of these guys?
(To read this picture, click to enlarge.)
This is an Allosaurus named Ebenezer. This skeleton is assembled from a combination of the real fossil bones and castings made from other Allosaurus fossils. It is rare to find Allosaurus skeletons that are more than 50% complete, and few adult skeletons are found with their skulls full intact. This skeleton is almost 50% complete with 139 bones recovered out of a possible 250, making Ebenezer an exceptional find.
This is Ebenezer's real skull. The reason that the skull is in a separate case is because fossilized dinosaur skulls can be too heavy for a steel armature to support.
This quilt containing the 7Cs of history was hanging in the stairwell.
That afternoon, we got to meet Buddy Davis before his singing session. Our family has watched his Creation Adventure DVDs and we girls have been listening to his songs on youtube for a while, so it was exciting getting to meet him. :)  If you're interested in the resources, Answers in Genesis carries books, CDs, and DVDs for all ages.

The sun setting cast some brilliant colors through the trees.

This waterfall was so beautiful..we sisters had a lovely time "photo-shooting" each other. :)

At the petting zoo again...more animals were active this time, including the zonkey and the zorse (pictured above.)

This final picture closed out our evening. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. I think it is a wonderful and encouraging place that Christian families would enjoy visiting and where non-believers can be educated about creation, the flood, and the gospel.

I would love to know, have you visited the ark or museum before? If so, what was your favorite part?  

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 


  1. Oh, wow! We have been talking about planning a trip to the Ark and Creation Museum, too! We haven't been there yet, but we all want to go. Maybe this year sometime, if the Lord wills. Thank you for this informative post. It gave me some new insight, and makes me want to go even more! I hope all is well with you and your family, sweet friend. Many blessings to you all in this new year!

    1. Both places are wonderful. I would recommend on planning to spend one whole day at each one. They are filled with so many awesome displays to read. I hope you all will be able to go. :)

      Happy New Year and blessings in Christ,

  2. It looks like such an incredibly awesome place for a family to visit, so much history that is brought to life and to experience firsthand! Those dinosaur bones looked huge! The place was so pretty all lit up at night! I'm so thankful for the work that has gone into this to promote the gospel of Jesus to those who come to visit, and to see the history of the Bible illustrated so well. Blessings and hugs :)

    1. It was SO pretty lit up at night...and the soothing Christmas music playing in the museum, ark, and outside gardens added a special effect. I too am thankful for all the work that has been poured into these attractions to help reach the unsaved with the gospel.

      Hugs to you! :)

  3. I have never been to either of these, but they are on my "to do as soon as possible" list.

    Blessings, Abigail Joy.

  4. These are great pictures. It seems like a wonderful time of year to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter! We really enjoyed our visits to these places as well. AIG is doing a powerful work for God. That's wonderful that you got to hear Buddy Davis and go zip lining too!

    Becky G.

  5. Such a neat place! We haven't been to the Creation Museum yet, but hopefully one day.


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