Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! 
Even here in Honduras I'm remembering the sacrifices of all the people who valued freedom more than their own lives and were willing to die for it, and I thank the Lord for them. I thank the Lord that America is a free country and that we have this day to remember those that made it so. In August of last year, my mom, sister, and I stopped at Little River Springs in Branford, Fl. on our way to Pensacola. While driving through a nearby town we stopped at a small war memorial.  

Absolutely. Never. Forget. 

We live in a country - the greatest on earth, 
Where the flag stands for freedom and what it is worth. 
She stands in the harbor - Miss Liberty calls,
All gave some, but some gave it all
For me to be blessed. 

I have been blessed; God's so good to me,
Precious are his thoughts of you and me. 
No way I could count them; there's not enough time
So I'll just thank him for being so kind. 
God has been good, so good, 
I have been blessed. 

A Night in the Life of...

Musings on a Sunday night in May: 
Most people write or take videos about a day in their life, but this post is about a realistic night in my life. :) It is currently 10:36 p.m. on May 27th, and I'm sitting in my dark room in Honduras eating a snack of plantain chips and drinking chocolate milk. The power has been out since around 7:40 p.m. this evening. That means no fan, no air, no lights. I am thankful the water is still on. (It's not connected to the electricity.) Almost every single night for the past two weeks the power has been turned off for long periods of time, leaving us sweating and unable to sleep soundly. Sometimes these power outages are scheduled and sometimes the power just goes out and we don't know when it will come back on. Sometimes the water gets turned off and one never can go to sleep knowing for sure that there will be water in the morning. It's just the fact of the matter here in Honduras, and to me it feels like a normal part of life. Living this life definitely shifts one's perspective a little. The most simple things in life like a fan, air conditioning, and water to shower or to wash with are often taken for granted. But I have found myself thanking God for these gifts a whole lot more these past six months. Tonight, if you sleep well, thank the Lord for that rest. If you have a fan or air conditioner keeping you cool, thank God for that. If you can flip on the light switch and have power, thank God for such a blessing. And if you have water, be thankful. 😊 Good night, friend.