Saturday, November 11, 2023

Happy Veterans Day

 Happy Veterans Day!
Thank you to all those who have served for our country. I've recently been reminded that many veterans are still suffering from their service. All veterans gave up their lives when they joined the service- they left their livelihoods, their families, and fought for something that was way bigger than themselves. Some died; others lived and still live on. But some live with horrible effects from war. War imposes significant damage on a person's body and mind, and often I've forgotten that many veterans live with very horrid, vivid memories of what they endured. 'Thank you' seems an inadequate response, but I am immensely grateful. I will never forget their sacrifice, and I thank God for them. 
Psalm 116:1-2, 5
I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. 


  1. As far as I'm concerned, every day should be Veteran's Day.
    Blessings, Ashley!


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