Saturday, September 7, 2024

Honduras ~ part 3

April 12th was dress-up-to-represent-a-country day.
We 3 amigas/hermanas 💚
The kids are so creative! 
I forget what country Dara represented but she did a great job!
Genesis represented Italy.
Ricardo (above) and Jayden (below) represented Spain.
Emiliano and Jair represented Argentina.
Roselyn represented Honduras. 
Alejandro represented Rome.
America was well-represented. 😅
Sometimes after school we three girls stopped by our favorite coffee shop, Espresso Americano, after school to get our "usual" which was a Mochaccino Supreme. Out of all coffees I have tried, Honduran is my favorite. 

April 19th: Crazy hat day
I was amazed at the designs these kids and their parents came up with for crazy hats. So cute and original! Some of the hats definitely portrayed the child's interests & likes.
Jair decorated his hat to match the decor of the classroom which was space- themed.
Photos at church
Kara is still teaching in Honduras. She's a gem. We had the most fun together and laughed 90% of the time. Everything was an adventure and I miss painting, cooking, walking to the store, watching movies together....just doing life with her. We talked a lot, all the time, about anything and everything, serious issues, non-serious issues, life, the Bible, personalities, relationships, values, how to discern truth from half-truths (which are lies), the fact that 2 things can be true at the same time, things that are important to each of us, etc. I am a huge thinker but can have difficulty putting my thoughts into words - Kara helped me voice more thoughts and also made me think about issues I hadn't thought about before by questions she asked. We both helped each other immensely and experienced a lot together -- I miss her so so much. 
Once again at Espresso Americano. 🧉
Kara: "It's time for BeReal." 😄
During recess one day we made a tent in class and ate smores. The kids loved it.

A couple times we visited these hot springs. The water was so smooth, soothing, and healing for aches, bruises, etc. 
We went with a few students one afternoon.
April 26th we had crazy sock day! 

One Saturday we joined the youth group from church and travelled a few hours away to a conference. The church the conference was held at is only a short walk away from the water. So beautiful. 
This house has the most plants I've ever seen at a Honduran house. 
Click here to listen to the videos on the blog. 
Every time during art my students would sing songs, sometimes starting and stopping and starting different songs randomly, or mixing up the words, but it's still the most precious sound. 😇

To be continued.....