Hey ya'll!
Election day is this week so please make sure you do your duty and vote for President Trump (because there is no other option) in what is probably the most important election ever.
Now, a note to the Floridians: on November 5th we will also be voting on several amendments. Amendment 4 is to legalize abortions in Florida so make sure you vote NO on this one! Every life is precious to God and should be to every Christian as well. I was sad to hear a Christian tell me that she was pro-life except when the exceptions happen, then she wasn't so sure. If exceptions are just that, exceptions, why do many people focus on them like they are the rule? And Christians, out of all people, should be the most pro-life people, yet many are hesitant to support life in all cases. This is heartbreaking.
If you need a voting guide, here's a fabulous one that was put out by Florida Family Action. Click on it to make it larger to read.