Saturday, September 28, 2024

Honduras ~ part 6

May 31st our school took a field trip to a train park. 

I love these kids so much. They sang almost the whole way there. lol


Visiting the train park was just a day loaded with fun. They have quite a few old trains you can walk in as well as a playground. We ate pizza outside and got to go on a train ride through the town. 

Videos of the children playing. 💕


Rosalyn, Jayden, Steven, Genesis

L. to R. Jayden, Steven, Genesis, Rosalyn, Dara
Each class was split in half so there could be an adult with each group. This was my group of kids for the day, and we had a blast. They are just the sweetest, funniest, cutest, most helpful children. 

I don't think I've ever loved more deeply than I have these little sweet people. They will always be in my heart, and I look forward to the day we can see each other again. 
Everyone thinks Kristel looks like the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, (picture below) so we all got a kick out of Kristel waving as we drove through town. Many people stopped to stare. 😂

Here comes the train. 

Until next time...... :)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Honduras ~ part 5

 May 24th the missionaries took us and a visiting team from Washington to the city to do "touristy" things. 
Saw this beautiful cathedral on the way. 
Kristel, Cora, & I
First, we stopped at a Dunkin Donuts and of course we had to take 3 polaroid pictures. 😅
By the way, the Dunkin Donuts in Honduras has some really good drinks American Dunkins don't have. Example, a Dunkinchino. I've tried to find something similar but just can't. But I think it'd be a bestseller here. :) 
Next, we walked around an indoor market where there were probably close to 100 little booths set up, each run by different people. It's a fabulous place to go as a visitor and buy souvenirs. I got to practice bargaining here - so fun! Some goods are priced higher because a lot of Americans shop, but many things are very reasonable. Kristel and I walked around together and found a couple items. 

We got matching bracelets. How I miss this precious sister so much. 

Next stop: Dennys. We had to wait a while for a table since we had so many people. I think I ate at Dennys 3 times which is way more than I have in the U.S. They have a few different menu items and it's actually good food. One time Kristel and I got milkshakes, and not only did they serve us the milkshake in the glass, but also the leftover milkshake that couldn't fit in the cup. They just brought it to us in the blender. lol. 
On our way there. 
Final stop was visiting Pulhapanzak falls. It's a lovely place where you can go to camp or stay overnight in the cabanas located on the property. They also offer ziplining and hiking. Since we arrived a little over an hour before the site closed, we could only pick one activity. Some of our group chose to hike underneath the falls and swim in the water and some of us chose ziplining over the falls. 

There are 7 zip lines altogether. 
Kara, Trenton, I, and 3 people from the group from Washington went ziplining.

It's a gorgeous site. Here are a couple videos of the falls. Ziplining video was taken by Kristel. :)

When standing at the overlook, we could feel the mist of the water.
Thanks for following along as I share these precious memories. If you have any questions about Honduras, feel free to ask!