Today's Creation Moment: Fungus that blows its top.
Genesis 1:11
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”
God doesn’t make cheap things! While we speak of “simple” forms of life, the more we learn about living things, the more clearly we see that there are no simple forms of life.
The built in clock of the cap throwing fungus waits to blow its top until the fungus is turned at the best angle to produce the widest possible spread of its spores. The light sensing system in the fungus releases the spores at about nine in the morning – aiming the spores at an area that is most likely to be open, so the spores can be spread even further by animals. But whether the spores land where animals pass or on a leaf, they are coated with a glue to aid in further dispersion.
The lowly fungus reminds us that there aren’t any simple forms of life. Even this fungus has been given sophisticated ways to carry out its command to reproduce after its kind.
This article is really cool. I would like to see this fungus throw its spores.
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