Bible verse of the week- submitted by my daddy.
Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Creation Corner.
Today's Creation Moment: The Light-Emitting Swallowtail.
Genesis 1:3 "And God said, 'Let there be light;' and there was light."
Though tiny, the scales of the swallowtail butterfly's wing are similar in design to light-emitting diodes. We say similar because the design is closer to a specialized light-emitting diode that puts out six times as much light as a standard LED.
The efficiency of the delicate structure has
been compared to LEDs that have two-dimensional photonic crystals that
put out six times as much light as a regular LED. As one scientist put
it, they had no idea that the design would be so "precise" and
Of course it's precise and refined, showing an
understanding of light! It was designed by the same Creator Who created
light in the first place.
This week is Vacation Bible School at our church. They are expecting alot of kids. Please pray that many children will trust in Jesus as their Saviour. Stay tuned this week, as I hope to post pictures from VBS!!! :)
Have a fabulous and godly week!!
In the Saviour's love,
I liked the little monkey cupcakes a lot.