Deuteronomy 13:4 "Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him."
As everyone knows, most sea creatures get from place to place by swimming. Others – like the octopus – use a form of jet propulsion. But one thing that no one expects to see on the sea floor is a fish that walks! And what makes this creature even more unusual is that the spotted handfish gets about on pectoral fins that look almost like human hands!
Once these lures bring the fish's lunch within range, in a flash the fish opens its mouth, creating a suction that sucks the prey into the fish's mouth.
Despite its skills at fishing, the spotted handfish has become one of the most endangered creatures on Earth. Efforts are underway to keep them from total extinction. Let me add that our Creator has also made considerable efforts of His own for rescuing another kind of walking creature from a fate even worse than extinction. Humans have disobeyed God and refused to walk in His ways. Thankfully, our Creator entered His creation and died on the cross to rescue us from a fate far worse than death. Oh, what a Savior!
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