Today's Creation Moment:
Consider the Prairie Lupines, How They Grow
Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; ~Luke 12:27a
The remarkable recovery of flora and fauna around Mount St Helens, since the devastating eruption of 1980, was aided in large measure by a seemingly insignificant little plant, called the Prairie Lupine. It grows no taller than 24 inches, but is usually much smaller, with tiny blue flowers. Today, it grows in abundance in the areas most affected by the eruption and landslide.
To be exact, it is not the plant itself that does the fixing. This is done by soil bacteria, called rhizobia, which reside in nodules in the roots of the lupine. What is even more interesting is that these bacteria cannot fix nitrogen, without attaching themselves to a suitable host plant, such as the lupine. So, the lupine needs the rhizobia, and the rhizobia need the lupine. This interdependency is known as a symbiotic relationship. A problem for the evolutionist is to explain whether the rhizobia evolved before the lupine, or vice versa. A far more scientific explanation is that both were designed by God for just such interdependence. Once again, the area around Mount St Helens, and the plants that live there, reveal the magnificence of God’s creative work.
Well folks, this is the last day of creation moment month! I hope you all enjoyed reading each article article every day and hope you learned something new about God's wonderful creation.
Enjoy your weekend!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Enjoy your weekend!
Sincerely in the Lord,
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