Wednesday, September 28, 2022

New follow by email widget

 Hi Friends! 

I just wanted to pop in real quick and share an update. Blogger sadly removed their Feedburner 'follow by email' option, so you will no longer receive posts through that venue. I decided to sign up with MailChimp for email delivery. Linda from My Fairy Blog Mother kindly helped me set up the new form, and I am so grateful for her assistance. If you notice the posts on your email looking a little different, now you know why. :) 

Hope you are having a great week! 


  1. Ashley, so good to hear from you. Blogger is having so many issues. People aren't being notified when I publish a post, and I am no longer being notified when bloggers I follow publish a post. Others can't comment on my blog, etc. I am thankful you were able to get your situation straightened out. Linda is SO sweet and kind and has helped me in the past, too. I am hosting a giveaway of T-shirts on my blog, in case you or your sisters or Mom are interested in entering. Take good care, and God bless!

    1. I’m so sorry about the problem blogger is giving you. I’m really grateful Linda was able to help me. Thanks for the info about the giveaway. I entered and sent it along. :)


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