Friday, June 28, 2024

Love Translates: A Lesson From Honduras

*Me and some of my students in Honduras.*

I've heard it said that love translates into all languages. I imagined it to be so when I read books by people who were changed by God's love shown through another believer's life. But I saw the truth of this first hand and wow, love truly is the same no matter what country you cross into or what language you encounter. True, genuine, unassuming love makes a difference. Love that says, ' I care about you and your needs,' love that makes sacrifices, love that does things without expecting anything back, love that listens, love that puts other people first -- this love makes a difference. People really do not care how much you know or what you know unless they know you care about them first. Many little kids, including some of my students, are hurting. They don't necessarily need someone to come trying to fix their life.  They need a person who will love them unconditionally and tell them of God's love. They need a person who will give them long hugs and say ' I love you ' every single day. They need a person to speak positive words into their life and encourage them in their endeavors. They need a person to get excited about their growth, whether it's academically or spiritually, for that motivates them to keep doing well. They need a person who will be present and actually listen to what they have to say. These things are important. So even if you never go to another country where you don't understand the language, there are people, adults and children, all around that need genuine love. Maybe you can be the conduit through which another person comes to know Jesus and his love. 

1 Thessalonians 3:12a 
 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men.


  1. Love is, indeed, the universal language, one we can all understand and something we all need no matter how old we are.
    Blessings, Ashley!

  2. Beautiful!! Precious!! Truth!! So proud of you and love you!! Carol


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