Today's Creation Moment: One of Sin's Effects on Frogs.
Romans 8:22
"For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now."
Researchers have been trying to find out what
is causing frogs to grow extra legs, or in some cases, grow no legs at
all. While frogs with extra legs or no legs have been reported for
centuries, there was some question about whether the incidence was
increasing. Some suggested human pollution was to blame, while others
an increase in ultraviolet radiation was causing the problem. But none
of the suspected pollutants have yet been found in association with
deformations in the wild. Now some answers are beginning to emerge.
Two different research papers point to a
parasitic flatworm as the culprit. A study of deformed frogs in
California showed that the ponds with deformed frogs also had a species
of snail that hosts the flatworm. A second study in the Pacific
Northwest showed that the pattern of malformation in frogs followed the
pattern that is typical of parasite damage. Researchers there said that
the pattern rules out suspected human pollutants called retinoids. Other
researchers pointed out that flatworms will probably not be the cause
in every case; they still suspect human pollution but have been unable
to prove it.
We know that the real cause of these frog
deformations is ultimately human pollution. That pollution is called
sin. It was man's sin that brought decay and death to God's original
perfect creation because disobeying God does have consequences. The
whole creation groans under the consequences of man's sin. That's why
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver us from the ultimate
consequences of our sin. Someday He will return to deliver all believers
and the creation from sin forever.
creationmoments.comI wanted to mention a Christian radio station: Abiding Radio. If you click on "Listen Now"on their home page, it will take you to a page where you can listen to either Instrumental, Sacred, Kids, or Seasonal music. They have really nice songs and music.
Quote of the week:
Teach a boy how to live and he'll live for a day. Teach a boy how to die and he'll live forever.
Last night, my daddy said that he remembered talking to someone a year ago, that was going to have a baby boy. The man had said to my daddy "I'm going to teach him to how live." Well, daddy thought about what the man had said, and he came up with that saying! :)
Scripture of the week: Proverbs 16:6
"By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil."
Last week, our family took a little break from 1 Corinthians, and read Proverbs 16 and 17 for Bible. Even though I have read Proverbs many time, I just haven't realized how awesome these 2 chapters are!!! I mean, all the chapters are awesome, but I just really like chapters 16 and 17 alot!! I think I will have more Scriptures of the week from chapters 16-17. :)
Have a good and godly week everyone!!!
Praising our wonderful Saviour,
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