Yesterday evening, mommy, Sarah and I attended a ladies fall fellowship at our
church. A few ladies made soup or chili. Everything was so beautifully decorated and everyone had a sweet time of fellowship. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. :)
The Decorations
This is the dessert table.
This wreath was so pretty!
This fall ribbon was woven throughout the wreath.
Each table had a candle as the centerpiece.
The decorator said she wanted to see if she could get the kernels underneath the candle popping!
The Food
You can see some pots of soup and chili. There were also 2 salads, and little pinwheel sandwiches.
These were like smores. They had chocolate, marshmallows on the bottom and graham crackers around the outside with a pretzel to represent the skewers
The Games
There were 6 tables so there were 6 teams. Each team came up with a name and then 1 person from each table had to go up and do the first activity. Whoever got done first won, and then whoever got done next was the 2nd place winner. Then a different person from each table had to go up and do the next activity. There were 7 different activities: 1. ) You had to put an Oreo on your forehead and try to get the cookie in your mouth without using your hands. 2.) You had to put a stocking on your head which had a ball at the end of it, and knock water bottles down by swinging your head. 3.) You had to pull all the tissues out of the box using only 1 hand. 4.) You had to separate a bunch of skittles according to color. 5.) You had to blow up a balloon and use the air to knock 3 cups off the table. (Yours truly competed in that one. :) 6.) You had to put the end of a spoon in your mouth, (the end you eat off of) and balance 6 candy corns on the other end of it without them falling off. 7.) You had to put both hands in a stocking and try to get the penny, which was at the end of the stocking, without using your hands. So, here are some pictures of the ladies participating in the games. :)
Knocking down water bottles with a ball at the end of a stocking. :)
Separating candy.
Balancing candy corn on the end of the spoon.
The Campfire
After the games, we all went outside and sat around the campfire and had smores. We all joined in singing while we were gathered around the fire.
This is not a very clear picture, but you can see the fire in the middle.
These poles were placed here and there in a circle.
We ended the night by singing the songs on this paper. We had a very nice time fellowshipping with all the ladies. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Chelsy Bontragger over at It's a Beautiful Life is having a giveaway! She's giving away this bead hairband! Click here to find out more about it!
Have a blessed weekend, friends! :)